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We have been able to incorporate many valuable tips as we have researched parenting strategies, but the one category that still evaded any real kind of solution was 'electronics' I struggled to find a system or way that was convenient, accessible, detailed, and functional for small children to not only help monitor time spent on electronics but also how to help my kids be more engaged in life off the screen.

I was just waiting for someone to come up with the perfect idea to do all the things I was envisioning. And than I attended The online 'I am Mom Summit' and listened to Katie Richardson's (creator and founder of Puj baby products) video And it sparked a fire inside me! It made me think, why was I waiting around for someone to make what I was looking for? Why don't I make it!!! Immediately I started designing my idea but I still lacked the gumption or know how to do anything more than that. 

A few months later my sister introduced me to 'Miracle morning' by Hal Elrod and that was the extra kick start I needed. I put myself to work studying, calling, and doing all I could, not only to learn how to create a business and an app! But studying the valuable resource technology can be and the mental and  physical health benefits and problems it can create. My vision is to improve everyday life by creating a platform on how to create specific, achievable daily goals and habits that enables kids to see the long term effects of their action and to take pleasure in their successes. 

I have now been working on creating an App for about 2 months and 11 days! Haha I know it may sound like an oxymoron when I was searching for how to engage kids in life off the screen more and my solution is an app but trust me it is so revolutionary! It has been an amazing journey there have been many hurtles to get over but I have learned so much! And thanks to some amazing people I have made some major progress! Estimated time that it will be released is January 2019! Here is a little sneak-peek on how it's going to look

If you want to receive updates on how the progress is coming just click on the link


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