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Showing posts from July, 2018

Working Through Hard Times

Forgiveness is not often the first thing that pops into our mind when a heated argument begins, or a miss communication spirals out of control. Even if it is, it seems imposable to forgive right in the heat of the moment. But why? I understand the mental and emotional rollercoaster and turmoil that presents itself when going through any kind of conflict. We hurt, feel misused, treated unfairly and are brought low! We want the other person to not get off scotch free and to realize the depth of the pain they caused us. They need to make some kind of restitution in order to make up for everything. All of these feeling are normal and needed even… but so are some other important considerations when dealing with pain.   #1 what you feel towards others is a reflection of what you think about yourself. Imagine for a moment that someone you love, admire or deal with in your life makes a mistake, hurts your feelings or just doesn’t give the support in the way you need. Ho

What Parenting Methods Really Work?

As a parent it seems like there are more than a million differing forms of advice from people, books, and internet sources ready to dish out advice on what the best strategies are for parenting and they all include the handy phrases like “if you want your kid to be successful or happy follow these exact steps”. So my question is how do you sift through all the different views out there? How do you know you’re doing things right? Trial and error seam too risky when dealing with another person’s success and overall growth in life, right? When we had our first baby girl she was perfect in every way. Her brown hair and big brown eyes brightened every day and she was so easy, a great sleeper, she was always sensitive and observant and did everything we asked her to do for the most part parenting was a breeze. I thought we must be doing everything right and then number two came. Our bouncy active beautiful blond haired and sky blue eyed girl flipped our whole world! She too was perfect

Keeping Romance Alive

When I was first married, my husband and I were both very against reading self-help books but especially those geared around marriage advice. Our perception of self-help books was they were just a whole bunch of frilly words meshed together and slammed in a book. That anyone with common sense would be able to navigate through any emotional or relationship struggle just fine on their own and if we ever did submit ourselves to the advice of a book that it was a sign of failure and defeat.   So between not wanting to be a failure or seam dumb or weak we never sought out help from books or any other earthly source when struggles arrived. Now looking back I laugh at my relentless stubborn mentality! How could struggling on your own ever be better than simply opening a book and reading! Now I have found so many hidden treasures inside self-help books. I am a huge advocate for seeking out help and advice while things are good so that you can keep them good! We put so much time energy and e


W e have been able to incorporate many valuable tips as we have researched parenting strategies, but the one category that still evaded any real kind of solution was 'electronics' I struggled to find a system or way that was convenient, accessible, detailed, and functional for small children to not only help monitor time spent on electronics but also how to help my kids be more engaged in life off the screen. I was just waiting for someone to come up with the perfect idea to do all the things I was envisioning. And than I attended The online 'I am Mom Summit' and listened to Katie Richardson's (creator and founder of Puj baby products) video And it sparked a fire inside me! It made me think, why was I waiting around for someone to make what I was looking for? Why don't I make it!!! Immediately I started designing my idea but I still lacked the gumption or know how to do anything more than that.  A few months later my sister introduced me to 'Miracle

Greetings From Utah

I was born in Nevada USA and moved all over the western states. By the time I was 15 years old I had moved 20 times and although moving that much was so hard it also provided me with first hand experience of vast opinions and beliefs and taught me valuable lessons that I have been using throughout my life. I met my husband in Hurricane UT, he was the best thing that ever happened to me I truly found my best friend and eternal companion. I can't imagine life without him. We have been married now for almost 6 years and have our three amazing kids! Which brings me to this point and why I started this blog. When we were first married being a wife and becoming a mom seamed pretty natural and self explanatory but as time passed and when our first child came I started feeling so inadequate on how to be a wife and a mom! I had so many good intentions and big dreams for our family and combined with all the pressures that tell you every particular in every part of life that you should